Thursday, September 23, 2010

David Ramsay Steele; The American South as a "Third World Country"...?

As promised, here's David Ramsay Steele suggesting that the South is "a third world country."  Respond!  Think especially (if it helps) in light of what you read from Beth Barton Schweiger, who discusses 18th and 19th-century revivals as highly "modern" and inventive events.  The clip's about 8 minutes long, so pull out a bag of popcorn:


  1. I dont really know what to say to this post and video of his comments and theories that the South is a 3rd world country. I think he makes many interesting points and the thought of looking at this demographic, sometimes at ourselves, is something that must be done to see an accurate picture of who we are and who the people around us are. Interesting and thought provoking.

  2. Suggesting the South is another country has been beaten to death. However, suggesting that we are a 3rd world country is somewhat new. I think he makes a lot of negative points that don't necessarily remain true today. I think that maybe he's just trying to prove a point that he already has set in his mind.

  3. I do kind of get where he is coming from. I will admittedly say that the South is very much "distiguishable" from other parts of the US, but he makes the South seem so extreme. While his views on the South appear negative, I see some positivity in it. It seems as though the South pretty much set trends, if you will. Even when some left & went to other parts of the country, they continued in some of the same practices (styles, evangelism, etc) from the South. But the point is, I don't believe that they forced anyone to pick up those practices. I just see at as how influential the South is.

  4. I completely agree with you Reagan. I don't have much to say about this but it makes me think. Its kind of striking when he said that more and more people are thinking that murder is ok. thats a scary thought to think about the future in that sense.

  5. This is very interesting... I do agree with Reagan and Kathleen...
    I know that the South is very different from other regions, but how does that not make them different from us? I feel that it's way too subjective.
